Luzuk presents such huge numbers of items. Presently we are presented WordPress subject group is integral from our customers and people groups. This theme bundle dispatches the 50+ topics, this isn’t sufficient you will gain admittance to all the topics that have been made till one year.

What does our theme bundle top choice?

On the acquisition of our WordPress Theme Bundle, we guarantee you that you will get your cash’s worth and significantly more. At the point when you purchase our WordPress theme bundle, you authoritatively become a superior individual from Themes. To our top-notch people, We offer, support for the entire year from the date of the buy. You likewise increase, all-get to go to every one of our subjects and administrations. With one time cost of $99, you can hold your WordPress theme bundle and keep profit all the above administrations alongside any future themes we dispatch meanwhile.
To lay it out simply, you are paying for the eventually available subjects just as for any best in class future points early and all that for one single expense. We release new subjects every once in a while, so have certainty you will get even more free themes.

To place it in less complex terms, you get an assortment of incredibly planned component filled WordPress topics with only 99$ in WordPress Theme Bundle. We give you complete help from the establishment to set up your theme. During the time of one year, any topics that we discharge will naturally be included in your theme bundle, you will have the option to utilize them for a lifetime.

The establishment procedure is basic, it very well may be finished in a couple of snaps. We furnish you with liberated from cost establishment, should you pick us to introduce the themes for you. We won’t accuse you of a solitary penny, it’s on the house. Our themes bring a compress record, which can either be straightforwardly transferred to your WordPress site or you can glue it in your WP-content/Theme organizer physically. You can then effectively initiate them from WordPress board later on. We give you Sample contents and free inbuilt blog space for your websites.

You own all our Premium WordPress subjects in this topic group at a limited cost of negligible 99$/dad rather than $1000. We will furnish you with all the essential help, in regard to the administration of these subjects. You can without much of a stretch switch between them, according to your desire and on the off chance that you experience any issue, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Premium Feature List

Banner Slider

Theme Options

Custom Innerpage Banner

Custom Colors and Typography

Fully Responsive

Hide/Show Sections

Woocommerce Support

Limit to display number of Post

Multiple Page Tamplate

Coustom Read More link

Code Written With WordPress Standard

100% Multi Language