Forest Adventure Wordpress Theme

Forest Adventure Tour Premium WordPress Theme has been designed to make your forest tour adventure business sound more persuasive and help you take-off and get closer to the community looking to take forest adventure tours. It is loaded with premium features like woo commerce compatibility, freedom to add and edit content and images; no matter which browser or device your potential client uses s/he will be able to view forest adventure tour theme WordPress Design without any hindrance or obstruction.

Our Forest Adventure Tour Premium WordPress Theme offers a layout that will accommodate all the information that your prospective travelers planning a forest getaway will be looking at. To ensure your customer receives relevant information, our designers have created headers, footers and other sections that create a better user experience by balancing visuals and images.

The design team knows the importance of the logo for your business and has reserved a place for it. The design is cohesive where you have the freedom to choose color palette for your brand and stick to it throughout the theme to maintain visual identity. You can customize colors, fonts and images and maintain a cohesive look on your own without professional help or knowledge of any coding or technical skills. As you work on it and gain familiarity you will be able to make better and smarter changes much faster.

We’ve provided sections where business operators can share information and links about various forest adventure tour packages that the visitor can access immediately. Based on the unique requirements of business we’ve created different sections to place unique content like images, routes and videos etc. You can create a prominent image gallery that will help you do a lot of selling of your tour packages.

You can create blogs through which you can connect with visitors by sharing information about the various activities they can add to make their forest adventure tour more fun and yet safe. Blogs can have information about various documents tourists need to have to obtain passes or tickets for different activities; how to take equipment on rent and many such travel related topics to keep potential audiences interested in you. All this helps you to retain connection with your existing visitors, attract new visitors, as well as build trust and community of followers. Forest Adventure Tour Premium WordPress Theme is full of premium features that will take your clients experience and trust in you many notches higher.

Premium Feature List

Banner Slider

Theme Options

Custom Innerpage Banner

Custom Colors and Typography

Fully Responsive

Hide/Show Sections

Woocommerce Support

Limit to display number of Post

Multiple Page Tamplate

Coustom Read More link

Code Written With WordPress Standard

100% Multi Language