Lawyer WordPress theme is known for its splendid features and is one of the best options to design a focussed website related to the legal firms and also the individual law practitioners that include legal advisors, lawyers and attorneys. If you are operating global legal offices, this legal attorney WordPress theme is of great benefit when it comes to legal practice. Legal WordPress theme is accompanied with an appealing design as well as the stylish fonts and besides this, it has various layout options making it suitable for the legal services professional who offers the legal advice. It is compatible with the third party plugins and includes various other functionalities as well. Above all this theme is well known for its modern touch and is cross browser compatible besides being multilingual as well as SEO ready. Some of the crucial features with this lawyer WordPress theme include the customization options and the call to action [CTA]. It also carries a testimonial section and a subscription form; both these features are highly required by the legal institutions as well as professionals doing the law practices. This theme is advantageous for the law professionals providing advice related to legal help and in good demand from the civil law professionals as well.

Premium Feature List

Banner Slider

Theme Options

Custom Innerpage Banner

Custom Colors and Typography

Fully Responsive

Hide/Show Sections

Woocommerce Support

Limit to display number of Post

Multiple Page Tamplate

Coustom Read More link

Code Written With WordPress Standard

100% Multi Language