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my pleasure.

username: admin
password: ufNpn4T!RLqxHz4vntITGZNB

Another question if you don’t mind:
1. I have product categories in my page right now (www.mosh.co.id), but when I click one of the category (example : Hotpot), it will send me to a new page (default without any sidebars) with a lot of products. My question is: How to make “categories” to be placed in a side bar in this product page? A little bit hard to customers if they have to come back to the home page to select another category.
2. When I create a blog, Why is there a *BLANK* picture on the blog? (please see https://mosh.co.id/promo/) —— now I know that BLANK Picture was a “feature picture”. But, I mean, is that VERY NECESSARY to put feature picture all the time, or it will shown blank?

3. can you go to this site through your phone = https://mosh.co.id/2019/05/26/bulan-berkah-ramadhan/
The “Add Comment” Fields was seems not right. Thank you.