Free Child Care WordPress Theme is designed for websites of children, preschool, training center, and the like. The theme is designed so well that anybody can work with it and even no coding skills required. It has a clean, luxurious, retina-ready design that all will love. The responsive theme looks beautiful on any device, be it mobile, tablet or desktop. It is cross-browser compatible that means it will load on all browsers without any glitches. It can be translated into numerous languages and supports RTL layout.
Free Kindergarten WordPress Theme’s SEO-friendliness takes care of your website’s ranking. You are allowed to add shortcodes or custom CSS/JS if you know coding. It does not come with any plugin but you can always integrate it with any plugin as it is seamlessly compatible with them. It is optimized for speed and is written with secure and clean codes to give you a bug-free site. With the social media option you can integrate all your social media pages to your website. Free Kindergarten WordPress Theme is all set to help you create that perfect website that you imagined!