Football WordPress Theme

Football has gained a humongous popularity and following worldwide. Love, craze, or madness – whatever you may want to call it –the feeling is only growing for the game by the day! If you have already or are planning to start a football training school, football club, or football academy, you can have a look at our Football Academy Free theme that will help you to create an online presence for your club and drive more people to it! The wider is your reach, better will be the number of registrations and enrollments for you. The more people you train, the more your reputation will improve bringing in more success for you!

High on Energy Visual Appeal & Rich Textual Information

When you have a look at the Football Academy Free Theme designed by us you will agree that the visual appeal conveys the energy that the sport stands for. The theme has been designed after taking inputs from those who understand the game as well as psychology of the football buffs. The layout allows you to create as many pages as you desire. This means you can place different types of trainings on different pages, describing each in detail for the best understanding of the visitor who is looking for information before enrolling in the program.

Scope to Create Separate Pages for All the Activities

While on the home/index page you can introduce the entire academy, in the inside pages you can discuss different aspects of training in more detail. You can share your own background and experience by creating an About Page. Blog section on the Football Academy Free Theme not only helps you to build a community of followers it also builds reputation for your academy which is a great organic and long term bet to drive traffic to your academy.

Football Academy Free Theme as the name suggest is a Zero Cost Theme. It’s a free give-away from us with no hidden agenda or cost. If you have a domain name and hosting space, this free theme design is all you need to go live. Just download and install and you’re good to kick start your football club o football academy!

Premium Feature List

Banner Slider

Theme Options

Custom Innerpage Banner

Custom Colors and Images

Fully Responsive

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