renovation wordpress theme

Home Renovation is a big industry and there are home renovation contractors offering different kinds of services and expertise to resolve clients’ problems from simple fixing plumbing or drainage issues to carrying out a whole exercise to change the façade of building. Home Renovation Free Theme design has been created to fit small, medium, and big contractors in home renovation business.

The layout and overall structure of the theme enables home renovation professionals to discuss a wide range of topics. You can create different pages to talk about various services and expertise you and your team possess.

You can create a separate blog section where you can publish posts about home renovation ideas, home renovation tax benefits, home renovation interest rates, how to write letter to society before starting home renovation project and many others. it will also help you get higher organic search engine ranking as Home Renovation Free Theme is SEO friendly.

The design is responsive, which will enable your visitor to view your theme without any distortion whether he/she lands on your theme from mobile phone, laptop, or MacBook. Similarly the theme offers browser compatibility also. We’ve kept customer’s surfing comfort in mind while designing home renovation theme. All the important pages have can be reached via home page and its prominent interlinking structure ensures the navigation is seamless.

Download and install Home Renovation Free theme to give your business the much important lift to compete better and grow! The dashboard is very easy to decipher and user-friendly. Takes minutes to go live and with some practice over time you will get your hands on it and will be able to easily change images and update content as will within minutes. Home Renovation Free Theme is an opportunity you should explore.

Premium Feature List

Banner Slider

Theme Options

Custom Innerpage Banner

Custom Colors and Images

Fully Responsive

Hide/Show Sections

Woocommerce Support

Limit to display number of Post

Multiple Page Tamplate

Coustom Read More link

Code Written With WordPress Standard

100% Multi Language