Home Forums Nataraj Dance Studio Adjust slider time on homepage

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  • #1799


    Can you point me in the right direction to adjust the slider time transition on the homepage? Is there perhaps a way to look at the code under the WordPress Theme Editor and make a simply adjustment of time? I can see a section-slider.php under “template parts” in my WordPress – is there perhaps a simple edit that could be made on that page that would adjust the slider images?

    Right now, the slider images I have are zipping by really fast. I’d like to adjust them and slow the whole thing down. However, if we add more slider images in the future, I may want to make it go by a little bit more fast, so I’d like to learn how to adjust the time myself.

    Thank you very much!

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by stgeorgedance.
    User Support

    You can adjust the slider time transition on the homepage.
    You have to go to the jquery.bxslider.js file in the js folder … by changing the speed value … now it is set as (speed: 500)
    If you can make these changes, you will, otherwise our technical team will make these changes on your website.
    Thank You.

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