Home Forums Luzuk LZ Fashion Ecommerce Bug that come back


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  • #1757

    On the THE MOST POPULAR (Featured Products) I see that When I hover on the items, the icons not display properly, can you please tell me how you fixed it last time?

    My site is http://purimstock.com

    It’s happen when I add a new products, because of that I needs to understand how to fix it and why it’s happening?.


    Hello dkohav,
    icons display depend on sliders height.
    if product name is too large then you have to increase sliders height…to add slider height css you have to go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> then there is an option for Additional CSS.
    we have added below css for slider height through which you can adjust sliders height.

    height: 369px;

    if you have to increase individual sections height then use css along with section id
    we have solved most popular section issue by adding below css
    section#featured-post-section .slider {
    height: 385px;

    if you need any more help, please message us.
    Thank You.


    Hi There,

    How can I get the homepage
    1. Sliders to show on my online shop home page?
    2. How can I get “Support Service’ to display on the homepage?
    3. How can I get the “Multilanguage’ sign to display?


    1. Sliders to show on my online shop home page?
    –> this functionality is not included in our theme.

    2. How can I get “Support Service’ to display on the homepage?
    –> Support service section is not included in our theme, if you want to add a support section then you have to pay extra charge.

    3. How can I get the “Multilanguage’ sign to display?
    –> you have to download “Google Language Translator” plugin, then use shortcode where you have to dislpay Multilanguage.

    Thank You.

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