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  • #34521
    Swet Reef

    Before I buy this theme I’ve read docs.
    I see on your pictures of WP dashboard unknown sections: Sliders and Services. Where did they come from? What plugins should I install? Or do these items appear when installing the Pro version theme?


    The slider is built in and you just need to add featured images to the slider custom post types to add slider images.
    One step you must need to do before doing anything is to set a static front page with our template. The information of this as well shown in the documentation.
    Thank you

    Swet Reef

    Now free version of theme Loundry Master installed. But items “Sliders” and “Services” does not shown in my dashboard yet. Will these items appear in my dashboard after installing the pro version?
    Your illustration

    Swet Reef

    I mean I can’t create now page “Services” through Dashboard. Because there is no such item on the menu. Will this be possible after the pro version is installed OR I should to install something in my WP besides your theme?




    the documentation you are reading is for the pro the theme and you will need to install and activate the theme to use these sections.
    if you are unable to use the template then you may send us your website link along with your wordpress username and password on [email protected] and we will do the theme template setup for you,
    Thank you

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