Home Forums Inside Tours Demo data

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  • #26347
    Christopher Clayton

    Is there a way if being able to setup the site with the sample data that is showing on the Inside Tours Pro website?


    yes there is, first set up the static front page through settings, if you have done that already then you may skip this.
    then download this xml file which is the demo content https://www.dropbox.com/s/uyprkxumhicxo43/insidetours.WordPress.2019-07-09.xml?dl=0

    now for importing the demo content go to dashboard >> tools >> import >> scroll down and find wordpress importer >> install and then click on run importer >>
    choose the xml demo file you downlaoded before and click on upload file and import >> then choose any user from the dropdown menu and click on the checkbox for Download and import file attachments
    click on submit

    Thank you


    Is there an update to this? I clicked the link provided in answer from 12/3/19 and it says nothign is there.


    Hello Kylie,
    Could you please tell us what is your exact issue?
    Thank you.

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