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  • #34368
    Scott Washington

    I just bought this theme yesterday after almost 2 weeks of using the Demo. I liked the way it was set up in demo mode I just really needed to edit some colors and tweek the site a bit. Now my menu is half as long and 3 rows down which looks like shit compared to the demo which my menu was 2 rows down an just over 1/2 way across. also the pictures on your site about the theme showed the social media icons in the top header next to the Email and phone number which I really liked that but there is no option to move them there how do I fix these problems. Do i need to edit the code because I don’t feel comfortable doing that.

    Scott Washington

    As i Get deeper in to editing and changing things I’m seeing a lot of things that have changed from the demo to the paid version that are not changeable. 1 is the background picture. In the demo once I picked a Background picture is was on all pages now with the paid version I have to set the background on each page and its slowing down the load time. Ill keep adding things as I go along. After buying it I picked up the ability to edit the tings I needed to change but lost some of the things I liked about the demo that I can’t change in the paid version. WTF


    we understand the issue but in the pro theme we provided some more flexibility to add more control over the pages and so you could add different background images.
    if you could send us your website link along with your wordpress username and password then we will do some changes like the social media icon in the header you were talking about.
    please send us the details on [email protected]
    thank you

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