Home Forums Nataraj Dance Studio Installation help

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  • #40122
    clayton barnett

    I am having issues installing this website and are in need of assistance. Can someone please reach out to me with the necessary info to get this website up and running.


    Hello Clayton,
    Here is our theme step-by-step complete documentation link is given below. You may use it to install and set up your complete theme the same as our demo site. It is very easy to understand.
    If you need any other assistance with the theme kindly let us know.
    Thank you.


    I need some assistance installing the website. Can i get some assistance please?


    Hello Donald,
    You may follow the steps given below to install your theme into the WordPress

    A. Installation Via WordPress Admin area:
    Step 1. Log into your WordPress admin area.
    Step 2. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Themes.
    Step 3. Click on the “Add New” Theme button and hit the “Upload Theme” button, select the theme .zip file, and upload.
    Step 5. Click on Activate once the upload has finished.

    Thank You.

    Susanne Kiernan

    Hi Admin,
    Instructionals are useless if the necessary data/plug-ins are not installed. This should have been provided at time of purchase. Please
    send all necessary instructionals, templates, plug-ins etc so I can customise my website.


    Hello, when I installed, this is the message I get.

    bundle1 (1).zip

    Installing theme from uploaded file: bundle1 (1).zip
    Unpacking the package…

    Installing the theme…

    The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.

    Theme installation failed.

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