Home Forums LZ Food Recipee Redirected Error Message

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  • #33072
    Gary J

    After building several pages in the LZ Food Recipee Theme, including a Home Page, I am unable to see the live website and continue to receive an error message indicating the home page of the website cannot be opened: “Load cannot follow more than 20 redirections.” The preview pages appear fine from the Page builds or the customization menus, but the actual website cannot be accessed in any one of several web browsers: Safari, Chrome, Explorer; even after clearing caches, etc. The home page is set to use the “Home Page Template”, Home page displays is set to a static page with the home page selected to show. If I switch from static page to “your latest posts”, the website loads fine. The problem occurs only when a static page is selected.

    What can be done to eliminate the redirect when a static page is selected?


    we checked your website and wordpress and it seems that it is not an issue of our theme, it is the issue of your hosting provider, because we activated the default theme as well but it was still not working.
    you will need to contact them for this issue.
    Thank you

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