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  • #27729

    When I modify menu style colors, the Shop category and sub-menu categories doesn’t change. Also image background doesn’t change.

    theme loads styles from (index) and I don’t know where those styles are located, or how to refresh.
    Thank you


    could you please send us your website link along with your wordpress username and passsword ? we will need to do check the issue.
    also could you please tell which background are you trying to change? is it a section or the page background itself ?
    theme loads an index file which has all the dynamic css which is nothing but a variable named as $custom_css placed in a style.php file. but before you do any changes in the /inc/style.php file please share your wordpress credentials and let us check what is causing the issue.
    Thank you


    kindly send us the details on [email protected]
    Thank you

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